Do you realize?.....that for the past decade or so, governments and various parties are urging car manufacturers to produce more fuel efficient vehicles? That vehicles that consume ALOT of petrol per 100km for instance should be history?.... things like oil reserve depletion, our world running out of crude oil, these were their concern.... damn...there will be no more dinosaurs to burn in the near future... oil rigs like this
will become muzeum showpieces, or will turn into hotels and other holiday resorts....our dear Mr. Lim might even buy up one to open up a casino in the middle of South China Sea....
so...what do lovers do?....WE BURN MORE FUEL NOW!....i read somewhere that we have approximately 30-60 years of oil left. so this is the scenario:
if, the superpowers knows so well we have this much of petrol you think they will sell us all of them until the last drop of oil is sucked out'?....that very last bit of the dinosaur's balls??....the my opinion is NO!!!....NO NO NO....if they do are their warships and planes going to work? is the UnitedStates of A gonna run their war??? are they gonna even fetch Mr. OBL back home if they ever find him?
Assuming we have half of that to use....we as in we normal human means we have only 30years of petrol to burn....which means...anyone born anytime after 12 years from now...will not have a chance to use our internal combustion engine ANYMORE!!!....AT ALL!!!...
I've been shopping for cars with a few friends lately and most of them....not all..but most....will look for this little card shown bellow:
it is a mandatory sticker for all Australian car manufacturer/dealer to have this sticker posted up for potential customers to know how efficient the cars are....well....u see...if this is all that matters...then there's no need to shop for cars...just buy a Honda Civic Hybrid or a Toyota Prius...
I seriously think this is BULLSHIT....we have limited amount of petrol left to burn...y bother the fuel consumption??....y not...burn all you can now and think about this nonsense later?..there is nothing to worry...if petrol runs out...we have new generation electric cars which can go faster than the petrol engines rite now...there are some which goes 0-100 in 3 the video if you don't belief me
And This is to justify the reasons we should finish up all the they will bring this car to production SOON!!!
If we don't burn now...when are we going to burn??...we are one of the last fortunate generations to live in this time to be able to burn those dinosaurs. They died 65millions years ago for a reason....BURN!!!.....Ferrari, Lamborghini, Pagani, Masserati, Buggati....even cheaper cars like Mitsubishi's Evo, Subaru Imprezas, Nissan Skylines,,....these are all invented for a purpose...a proper funeral for these dinosaurs..... so whereever you want to drive....don't walk...petrol is not any more expensive than a bottle of coke....or maybe a bottle of mineral water....its cheap....its limited....its for us to USE IT!!!....