First of all...a VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR to my dear readers.....:D 2009 has been a superbly awesome year with many ups and downs (the latter not so much).
Just a big thank you to all my friends for being there when i need them.... Espcially my dear baby PuiMun who's always by my side when things go right or wrong.. for nagging me when i spend on my car...for telling me not to drink so much Coke....and for every little things that she has done for me....
This of course will also lead to some NO THANKS to some people who has given me misery in life.... who has given me broken promises...and also for being a pain in da arse! To whoever that is.... Those Thank YOus that i typed in previous paragraph EXCLUDES YOU!.... :D
ALso to all you out there who has been clicking Thank you for your continuous support...and your undying interest in my boring life... LOL....THANK YOU GUYS! you are the ones who gave me the encouragement to keep updating the blog 3months ago.... :D
Alright some pictures of what happened in 2009
Don's Farewell...One of the closest friend i have since i came to Melbourne
My sister's been called to BAR...oh i am so proud of her~... Muahahah
Ok looks like i haven't taken enough picture this camera is playing up...its been sucking up too much battery each time i take it out..B U T guys!! Don't get angry just yet... I have already purchased a Canon 500D DSLR !!! So....More quality pictures for you guys in 2010 yo! muahahhaa
Alright i better head off to bed now....most likely this will be my last post of 2009!. Hope you guys have an enjoyable new year's celebration....don't drink and drive...and be safe people~
Till we read/type again in 2010!...........