Monday 12 October 2009

The Work Week

Hello again....i notice in my previous post my pictures are all chopped off. This is the 1st time i'm trying to direct link the pictures from photobucket but seems like the size i formated the pictures are too large for my blog layout..i will fix it soon....hopefully~

Another weekend is gone...only 4 days left before the next one comes up...amazing innit...if you look at it this way, Monday is a relaxing day where most people are still recovering from the take it easy on yourself, and relax a little at work. Tuesday will be the start of your engines and you are expected to work hard. Wednesday is its a good reason to celebrate...we have mid-autumn festival, mid-winter festival, mid-EVERYtHING why not mid-week festival??? so here you go..another day to relax...
Thursday is back to business as usual but be happy...coz after Thursday you know its Friday!!!!
and when Friday comes.....its FRIDAY FFS!!!! don't we need to loosen up and have some fun at work?

Watchu think??? work week is actually fun...and weekend is the icing of all the fun we  had from Monday to Friday....

Oh yes..i see hot weather predictions coming up soon!!!...WOOHOO!!! bring on the dirt track!!! my bike is coming back to life!

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Just for fun