Thursday, 19 May 2011

The Pearl White Honda Accord Euro/TSX CU2

Well HELLO again strangers!

Im back again from the silence! and here are some picture updates of what i purchased in replacement of the SUbaru! :):)

 and a little bit of DOOF DOOF set up in the boot

Took a year to get all these put together and it finally paid off...mighty happy with how it turned out

Apologies for the absence for the past 1 year. Been terribly busy and really didnt have much time spent at home to blog at all. Nothing much changed apart from a few kgs of fats added to the waistline. lol

Hope all is good with you guys. here are some pictures of a quick flashback of what happened in the past year.

As you can see....Nothing happened at all in the whole 1 year...same old stuff...LOL

need to start using the camera again

actually....its a little late but let us all remember those who got affected by all the disaster that happened in the past year and may those who lost their lives rest in peace and those who are suffering the aftermath have a normal life again real soon.

I will try and keep this blog updated more frequently now. I PROMISE!

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Just for fun